DONUT BOY - Episode 2

DONUT BOY - Episode 2, originally uploaded by benjaminography.

Via Flickr:
A second Donut Boy Poster comic. One of a couple of comics I knocked out as examples for my portfolio.

It will get printed in a sort of personal anthology for Bristol Comic Expo next week.

I'm not sure if a certain publisher minded me bastardising their mascot. If you ever find a pile of torn flesh and boots in my flat then you will know the answer.


Got an email from one of the gentleman at NOBROW the other week (well about two months ago) asking to see more narrative work.

I don't think they realised I had only ever finished one poster comic, so made this portfolio box thing to make up for it (a mere 50 days later). The Batt Herr Comic, Nasty Isaac, Donut Boy 2 and the resin figures were all made new. The other stuff was old work.

I think it worked. I got an excited, yet ill timed call a day after it arrived when I was being served at Tesco.

Boba Fett

Boba Fett, originally uploaded by benjaminography.
Via Flickr:
My piece in a STAR WARS exhibition which opens tomorrow.

Both are about 14" high. Made from 5mm and 3mm Plywood.

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Bossk, originally uploaded by benjaminography.
Via Flickr:
My piece for a STAR WARS exhibition which opens tomorrow.

About 14" high. Made from 5mm and 3mm Plywood.

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